Luchemos por la Vida's 30th Anniversary - Pedestrians Part I

Pay attention, pay attention ... Pedestrian (Part I)

In 1990, when we began our work, we perceived pedestrian unsafety as a big problem. The most vulnerable in traffic system, crossed and walked anywhere among vehicles whose careless drivers rushed towards them without caring. This caused countless fatalities rarely counted.

For this reason, in 1993 we launched on radio and TV a music campaign aimed at children and adults to raise awareness among pedestrians, which was broadcasted to the entire country and neighboring countries, such as Uruguay and Paraguay, with enormous impact and success. Its "Attention, attention, pay attention, pay attention" remained in the popular imagination as a classic of road safety education ad.

TV Campaign 1993

We also started, with the help of some sponsors, driver education workshops in several schools of Buenos Aires Province and Federal District, focused on the traffic system regarding to pedestrian safety, developing for that our own teaching materials.

Despite the excellent scope of the campaigns, which influenced behavioral changes in some people, many others continued their risky habits. We needed to shake them off their wrong beliefs, which meant they had everything under control when recklessly crossing or walking. Therefore, our following campaigns focused on increasing the perception of pedestrian risk, their vulnerability and the need to protect themselves. They had a very big impact.
TV Campaign 2000