3rd UN Global Road Safety Week in Argentina

Luchemos por la Vida promoted and coordinated this campaign in Argentina through several actions.

  • Broadcasting, on radio and TV, of Luchemos por la Vida’s awareness campaign, “Safe Kids” during the whole year. 


  • Dissemination on Facebook of the campaign: “School is starting: do kids travel safely to school? And “Safe Kids” from months March to May 2015.
  • Luchemos por la Vida’s activities on the City of Buenos Aires

This Organization accompanied groups of children from the City’s schools on the delivery of leaflets and the exhibition of banners in their community.

School Nº 14 DE 16, City of Buenos Aires            



Inst. San Martín de Tours, City of Buenos Aires

  • Delivery of the Child Declaration for Road Safety to local authorities.In the City of Buenos Aires, Luchemos por la Vida coordinated the visit and accompanied a delegation of students to the Legislature of the City of Buenos Aires on Friday 8th May at 10am, who, in representation of all the children from the City, delivered the Child Declaration for Road Safety and petitions to the legislators from the City and authorities. This event had media coverage from several channels and graphic media.

  • Invitation to NGOs and other organizations interested in road safety to join the campaign #SaveKidsLives. With great success and enthusiasm, organizations, educators and social communicators of influence on different localities and other institutions with national and regional presence joined the activities proposed by Luchemos por la Vida.

Rada Tilly, Province of Chubut   


Alta Gracia, Province of Córdoba


Concientizar para prevenir, Carlos Paz,  Province of Córdoba


Voluntarios en Red, Province of Mendoza

  • Invitation to Schools with delivery of guides and didactic kits. Luchemos por la Vida invited more than 1000 schools from the entire country (71 from the City of Buenos Aires), many of which participated actively from the campaign #SaveKidsLives, and developed on the classroom and with their community the topic of children safe in traffic, with the assistance of materials and didactic guides provided by this Organization. Thousands of children from schools on 12 provinces have reflected on the risks on local traffic, analyzed the Child Declaration for Road Safety and have written petitions according to the reality of each locality, which they delivered to the local authorities.

School 37 from La Rioja  


School 79 “F. B. de Zamora” Selva, Sgo. del Estero


School “Fray Mamerto Esquiú” Monte Maíz, Córdoba 


EES 112 Corzuela, Province of Chaco


School 14 DE 16 Av. Olazábal and Bucarelli, City of Buenos Aires


Inst. San Martín de Tours on Ave. Fig. Alcorta, City of Buenos Aires

  • Promoting the Global Road Safety Week on different media.
  • Promoting the topic ad the activities coordinated by Luchemos por la Vida in the entire country on the website and social networks.