Luchemos por la Vida ("Let's fight for life") is a non-profit organization working to prevent traffic accidents in Argentina.

Free Educational Video

Keys to safe driving


For all the centers where driving licenses are granted, in Argentina and all countries of Latin America, specially designed for those who are in the process of applying for a driving license or renewing the license they already have.

In the year 2004, the World Health Organization , dedicated the theme of the World Health Day to traffic safety. As a contribution to that event, Luchemos por la Vida was proud to announce the new educational video: Keys to safe driving, specially made to contribute to creating awareness and helping educate drivers on traffic safety, specially those who are in the process of applying for a driving license or renewing the license they already have. Thus, we promote a more responsible granting of driving licenses.

This video is provided free of charge to all centers where driving licenses are granted, in Argentina and all countries of Latin America*. It is specially fit to be used in those centers where there are no specifically trained staff to teach a class like this or as a teaching tool to help staff in their training efforts. For better results, the video comes with a teaching guide with suggestions for additional activities.

This video, made by specialists, profits from the vast experience of this Association in similar courses taught daily, for the last seven years, at the Buenos Aires Transit Authority and different agencies, both public and private; and it includes the best knowledge and experiences from the countries that at the top of traffic safety on safe driving.

We trust that, because of its length and format, and the fact that it deals with the most common beliefs about key subjects (accidents, drinking and driving, speeding, seat belt usage, etc), this video will help improve drivers' attitudes and behaviors and therefore, traffic safety on the road.


Total length: 50 minutes.


(All videos can be viewed online at the Luchemos por la Vida's YouTube channel)


  * Municipal officials or driving licensing officials may request this video from us by fax, regular mail or e-mail. There is a version dubbed into English for non-Spanish speaking communities.